Fresh Rose Petals

Fresh Rose Petals

from $10.00

Fresh picked to order, lovely rose scent, sustainably grown rose petals (no chemicals ever).

So many uses!

Create rose water, infuse oils, make a tincture, flavor syrups and liquors, spruce up your bath, create a romantic vibe, add to herbal prerolls, and more.

Add fragrance, flavor, and texture to your next salad - fresh rose petals make a stunning contrast against the greens in a salad. Not only do they tempt the eyes, but the nose, too. Rose petals contain anthocyanins, so feel free to indulge in these antioxidant-rich delicacies.

Small is perfect for culinary use, like topping a few salads or tossing in your bath water.

Large is better for sprinkling on a bed, larger culinary needs, etc.

For herbal use, we suggest at least two large containers.

For larger quantities, reach out for a quote and availability - the more notice the better!

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